Uğurlu - A Neolithic Settlement on the Aegean Island of Gökçeada - Burçin ERDOĞDU
Coşkuntepe - A Neolithic Village in the Coastal Troad - Turan TAKAOĞLU, Abdülkadir ÖZDEMİR
Aktopraklık - Necmi KARUL,Mert B.AVCI
Ilıpınar and Menteşe- Early Farming Communities in the Eastern Marmara- Jacob ROODENBERG,Songül Alpaslan ROODENBERG
Barcın Höyük-The Beginings of Farming in the Marmara Region-Fokke GERRITSEN,Rana ÖZBAL,Laurens THISSEN
The Neolithic at Yenikapı - Marmaray-Metro Project Rescue Excavations- Zeynep KIZILTAN,Mehmet Ali POLAT
Neolithic Sites in the Marmara Region Fikirtepe,Pendik,Yarımburgaz,Toptepe,Hoca Çeşme and Aşağı Pınar-Mehmet ÖZDOĞAN